Luggage Manual & Travel Tips

What is a TSA lock?

What is a TSA lock?

Simply put, a TSA lock is one to which the TSA has a master key. That way, agents can open the bag and see what’s inside. If TSA can screen bags using x-ray equipment, though, what is the purpose of a TSA lock? Sometimes a TSA agent does need open a suitcase, perhaps because the suitcase seems to weigh too much or because something looks suspicious on the scanner. When that happens, if the suitcase is unlocked, the agent opens it and leave the owner a “Notice of Baggage Inspection” inside the bag.

If the suitcase is locked, a problem arises. The agent either has to cut the lock or, in some cases, cut the bag itself. To avoid this potential damage, use a TSA approved lock.



Contact: Starry Fung

Phone: +86-1-3926-559500


Add: No.82, North Dongkeng Avenue, Dongkeng Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China 523446

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